Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Brand Permissions - We all just want to be accepted

Most industries create their secret squirrel language that makes what they do a mystery to everyone else.  But in branding we just use the word "brand" and most people are already confused (or tuned out). Which means our language consists of things like:
Brand Identity
Brand Personality
Brand Promise

Did I just say the same thing 3 times? Actually, I did not, but unless you consider the nuances between them to be your reason for being you'll probably think so.

I am beyond passionate and extremely effective at Brand Strategy and because of that I can see it's flaws as much as I can see it's shiny bits. It wasn't until I launched my first business 8 years ago and then began advising start ups in my second business, primarily in the category of Independent Luxury and Lifestyle Consulting, that I found the missing link; The Brand Permissions.

The business of being a Change Agent is one of delecate, sensitivity, guidance, acceptance and permissions. For instance: Wardrobe Consultants, Voice Coaches, Personal Trainer, Professional Organizer. They are providing the tools neccessary to make the change as much as they are providing permission for that person to accept that there is a need for the change.

And in the big picture of branding? It's called creating relevancy and acceptance. We live in a very transparent world so acceptance is what makes a brand approachable. Its not enough to put a face and voice to a brand and promise that it will make your teeth whiter. What's the relevancy to my life? Not just, "what will it do?", but "where do I fit into your brand?" and "will you accept me for who I am once I'm there".

I have a coaching client that's an up-and-coming celebrity hair stylist Brand Promise is:
  • to lisen and validate
  • over deliver
  • build a long term plan
  • be a visionary
Which means her Brand Permissions are:
  • you can be yourself & speak your truth
  • I will make it possible for you to be a little lazy
  • you can take your time. I don't expect you to change over night.
  • it's OK to not know what you want. I'm a visionary for you and I see you for who you are.
It doesn't matter if you aren't a Luxury and Lifestyle consultant the neccessity for Brand Permissions are still there. Whether it is your personal brand, your company's brand, your product's brand, or your dog's brand, we all just want to be accepted for who we are.


  1. A professionally crafted logo design process is one of the greatest blessings for a company; whether it is big or small. It gives them an identity of their own and makes them different from others.
