Thursday, May 5, 2011

Interviewing Your Brand Series, Part II: "Ladies, Is It A Man's World? Only If You Insist On Dressing Like It"

"Say Ladies! Hey Ladies! I want to hear it from the Laaaadieeees".  Pardon the party flashback.
Last time we talked I got you thinking about not blending into the office furniture when you show up for an interview. Now let's discuss the big purple polka dot elephant in the room.  Shhhhh! Don't look now but someone might notice that you're a woman.  Then what?

I'll tell you what.  They might also find out that you possess some very valuable traits that make you better at what you do then they can. Intuitive, communicative, multi-tasking, insightful, nurturing, self-aware, just to name a few of the traits that are inherently female.  And which industry is it that can't benefit from some or all of those? What customer isn't looking for any of that?

As you know, I'm not giving you rules to memorize, but what I will give you is the tools and permission to own your brand like a only woman can.

Some DON'TS first, just to cover my butt and yours:
  1. Lack the linger. Do yourself a huge favor and just skip the perfume all together.  You want them to concentrate on remembering your personal brand strengths and attributes not the lingering scent you leave behind.
  2. Don’t be distracting.  Absolutely NO jewelry that is noisy, clanking, jingling
  3. Six Inch Rule; NEVER show too much leg, cleavage, back or booty.  When you sit down you will loose 6 inches in the length of your skirt. This same measurement can be applied to necklines.  If the neckline of your shirt is below 6” from your collar bone you probably will have a hard time making eye contact
  4. Fly Low; much like the six inch rule, is the "Fly Low" rule.  Low heeled dress shoes don't just show how sensible you it keeps you from teetering around foreign territory, accidentally tripping on the carpet, towering above a less than tall potentially new male boss, or click-clacking down an office corridor drawing the wrong kind of attention.
And for the DO's:
  1. Know your brand; Goals, History, Value, Mission, Intended Audience.  Be able to speak to every one of those.  Not only because it makes you a stronger more confident candidate but because you should select your attire to support it.
  2. Color is your friend. If you HAVE to wear a suit layer it with some color, or a scarf.  Men don't always wear white shirts and black ties so why should you? Unless you are applying for a job as a mortician, it's not necessary to wear a black suit and solid shirt. Black is harsh and unapproachable in most situations.
  3. Alternative thinking; Yes, we know you are trying to make a point with that power suit, but the point you are making may not be the one you want. It may just say "Look I know how to dress like a man even though I'm a woman".  An extremely powerful alternative is a tastefully tailored, dress in a lightweight wool, lined and knee length.  You can even dabble in a subtle toned print such as  grey, cobalt and black.
  4. Fit. I've said it before and I'll say it again; Fit is everything. The aforementioned dress will only be a powerful alternative to a suit if it fits you impeccably.

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